Layout vs Content
Layout and content are the two foundations in developing trust and growing your audience. Both of them are significant when it comes to generating views for your website / blog / article. It is essential to have quality web navigation, attractive design and efficient page loading. But eventually, it’s your content that grabs the true attention of your reader.
A website or a blog is like your house, in which design can be labeled as your frame or exterior. It’s obvious that you need a solid foundation and an attractive exterior but the moment someone enters inside it’s the interior i.e. your content which will compel him to stay inside. If you have a good layout surely the reader will develop an interest to open your website / blog but to keep his / her interest intact you must have good quality content for them to read.
But in my opinion, layout carries a bit more advantage than content, because if your house has an average outlook it is unlikely that the visitor will enter inside, even if your interior is ravishing. But if you have an attractive outlook, the viewer will feel curious enough to enter inside.
Let’s have a look in detail about how content and layout help to increase user traffic for your website.
Content :
There is a very popular saying that “content is the king” and it is true to a great extent. A great looking website and a good user interface may attract visitors, but this is not the main reason they visit your website, it’s the content they are actually interested in.
Search engines :
A lot of websites are using search engines. They are suggested by Google as people enter certain keywords because they are looking for answers to their queries, or they are searching for relevant information. It’s all well and good to have an amazing animated website but if it does not provide the answers the reader is looking for, they are unlikely to stay.
Helps in trust building :
When readers go through content, they begin to develop an opinion about your website. If the content you are offering is educational and of value, they will start to develop the same thinking about your business as well. The more valuable your content is, easier and faster it will be to build trust and target your audience.
Image building :
In addition, when you continuously publish content across your platforms your leads or customers may come to see you as a leader. This will create a good and long-lasting image of your business in their minds. That will further help you to build more trust within the target market.
Layout :
The layout of your website can make a great difference in how your audience is going to view your business and attracts towards it. Having an impressive user interface will result in an effective conversion rate and in-return it will help generate revenue. Although it cost a lot to create an effective layout for your website, but it can help yours greatly in generating more views.
Navigation :
When you have plenty of pages on your website it is essential that you include well-labeled navigation menu to help the visitor get an idea about the list of different web pages. With the help of the navigation bar, users can easily explore and understand your website. A simple yet effective navigation can make customers come back for more.
Visual design :
As they say first impressions last longer, your website design will create an image of your website in front of the users. And then they will decide if they like your website enough to stay or leave. First impressions depend upon certain factors which include many things in the visual design of your website. They are graphics, structure, color, page symmetry, font etc.
Developing these factors will lead to longer visit duration and higher revenue generation rate.
Conclusion :
Layout and design both are important to balance your website perfectly. Layout helps to create the first impression of your website and content. It is like a device that attracts search engines and helps in maintaining the interest of the audiences.